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Re: New terminal capability in

On Sat, Mar 31, 2001 at 08:42:05PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>Wait. They don't seem to be implemented as you describe them above.
>They are like
>	\E[%d@ and \E[%dP
>And I don't understand the sense of an additional parameter. While
>\E[%p1%d@ would make sense, I think "ic" is only for moving to make
>place for additional characters. Inserting N * char c is provided by
>switching to insert mode (im) and then repeating char c N times (rp).
>Do I miss something?

I don't think so.  The \E[%p1%d@ essentially means to use the first
parameter for the next %d.  This just causes %d the line to be moved
over %d characters to the right.


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