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Re: signal semaphores inheritance

On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 07:24:09PM +0300, Egor Duda wrote:
> Hi!
>   if  ntsec is on and cygwin app a.exe  (with pid x) starts non-cygwin
> app  b.exe,  b.exe  inherits  cygwin1S3.sigcatch.x semaphore. if a.exe
> dies  and  b.exe continue  execution,  and  if  new  cygwin  app c.exe
> got  pid  x it, fails to create sigcatch semaphore. looks like typo in
> getsem() to me. is this patch ok?

Did you check it with apps chenging the user context? AFAIR I had
a reason using an inheritable SD...


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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