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RE: new option for cygpath.exe

Sorry for the delay on this.

The assignment should be in the mail today.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Faylor []
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 8:43 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: new option for cygpath.exe

Unfortunately, this patch is large enough to require an assignment
form.  Please check out the Contributing link on for
info on what you need.

I apologize for requiring these legalities.


On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 09:22:12AM -0800, David Peterson wrote:
>Thu Feb 01 09:00:00 2001  David Peterson <>
>	* add option to output windows paths in
>	different formats including UNC, DOS, and "mixed".
>	(main): process options
>	(doit): check new options flags
>RCS file: /cvs/src/src/winsup/utils/,v
>retrieving revision 1.7
>diff -u -p -r1.7
>---	2000/10/28 05:00:00	1.7
>+++	2001/02/01 17:12:07
>@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ static char *prog_name;
> static char *file_arg;
> static char *close_arg;
> static int path_flag, unix_flag, windows_flag, absolute_flag;
>-static int shortname_flag, ignore_flag;
>+static int shortname_flag, ignore_flag, unc_flag, mixed_flag;
>+static char *windows_format_arg;
> static struct option long_options[] =
> {
>@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ static struct option long_options[] =
>   { (char *) "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
>   { (char *) "windows", no_argument, NULL, 'w' },
>   { (char *) "short-name", no_argument, NULL, 's' },
>+  { (char *) "type", required_argument, (int *) &windows_format_arg, 't'
>   { (char *) "windir", no_argument, NULL, 'W' },
>   { (char *) "sysdir", no_argument, NULL, 'S' },
>   { (char *) "ignore", no_argument, NULL, 'i' },
>@@ -48,13 +50,18 @@ usage (FILE *stream, int status)
> {
>   if (!ignore_flag || !status)
>     fprintf (stream, "\
>-Usage: %s [-p|--path] (-u|--unix)|(-w|--windows [-s|--short-name])
>+Usage: %s [-p|--path] (-u|--unix)|(-w|--windows [-s|--short-name]
>[-t|--type type]) filename\n\
>   -a|--absolute		output absolute path\n\
>   -c|--close handle	close handle (for use in captured process)\n\
>   -f|--file file	read file for path information\n\
>   -u|--unix		print Unix form of filename\n\
>   -w|--windows		print Windows form of filename\n\
>   -s|--short-name	print Windows short form of filename\n\
>+  -t|--type		print Windows form of filename with specified
>+                        requires -a or --absolute, type is one of the
>+      dos 		    drive letter with back-slashes (C:\\WINNT)\n\
>+      unc		    UNC style (//C/WINNT)\n\
>+      mixed		    drive letter with forward-slashes (C:/WINNT)\n\
>   -W|--windir		print `Windows' directory\n\
>   -S|--sysdir		print `system' directory\n\
>   -p|--path		filename argument is a path\n\
>@@ -128,7 +135,7 @@ get_short_name (const char *filename)
>   {
>     fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name);
>     exit (1);
>-  }
>+  } 
>   if (GetShortPathName (filename, sbuf, len) == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
>   {
>     fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot create short name of %s\n", prog_name,
>@@ -138,6 +145,55 @@ get_short_name (const char *filename)
> }
> static void
>+convert_slashes (char* name)
>+	while (*name != '\0')
>+	{
>+		if (*name == '\\')
>+			*name = '/';
>+		name++;
>+	}
>+static char*
>+get_unc_name (const char *filename)
>+	int len = strlen(filename);
>+	char* unc_buf = (char *) calloc(len + 2, 1);
>+	if (unc_buf == NULL)
>+	{
>+      fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name);
>+      exit (1);
>+	}
>+	memcpy(unc_buf + 3, filename + 2, len - 2);
>+	convert_slashes(unc_buf + 3);
>+	unc_buf[0] = '/';
>+	unc_buf[1] = '/';
>+	unc_buf[2] = filename[0];
>+	return unc_buf;
>+static char*
>+get_mixed_name (const char* filename)
>+	char* mixed_buf = strdup(filename);
>+	if (mixed_buf == NULL)
>+	{
>+      fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", prog_name);
>+      exit (1);
>+	}
>+	convert_slashes(mixed_buf);
>+	return mixed_buf;
>+static void
> doit (char *filename)
> {
>   char *buf;
>@@ -193,8 +249,14 @@ doit (char *filename)
>       else
> 	{
> 	  (absolute_flag ? cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path :
>cygwin_conv_to_win32_path) (filename, buf);
> 	  if (shortname_flag)
> 	    buf = get_short_name (buf);
>+	  if (unc_flag)
>+		  buf = get_unc_name (buf);
>+	  else if (mixed_flag)
>+		  buf = get_mixed_name (buf);
> 	}
>     }
>@@ -219,9 +281,11 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
>   unix_flag = 0;
>   windows_flag = 0;
>   shortname_flag = 0;
>+  unc_flag = 0;
>+  mixed_flag = 0;
>   ignore_flag = 0;
>   options_from_file_flag = 0;
>-  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, (char *) "hac:f:opsSuvwWi",
>long_options, (int *) NULL))
>+  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, (char *) "hac:f:opsSuvwt:Wi",
>long_options, (int *) NULL))
> 	 != EOF)
>     {
>       switch (c)
>@@ -263,6 +327,23 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
> 	    usage (stderr, 1);
> 	  shortname_flag = 1;
> 	  break;
>+	case 't':
>+		if (unix_flag || !windows_flag || !absolute_flag || (optarg
>== NULL))
>+			usage (stderr, 1);
>+		windows_format_arg = ((*optarg == '=') ? (optarg + 1) :
>+		if (0 == strcmp(windows_format_arg, "unc"))
>+			unc_flag = 1;
>+		else if (0 == strcmp(windows_format_arg, "mixed"))
>+			mixed_flag = 1;
>+		else if (0 == strcmp(windows_format_arg, "dos"))
>+			;
>+		else
>+			usage (stderr, 1);
>+		break;
> 	case 'W':
> 	  GetWindowsDirectory(buf, MAX_PATH);

--                        Red Hat, Inc.  

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