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Re: Filenames with Win32 special characters (or: Interix filename compatibility)

On Mar 12 10:38, Brian Dessent wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Erm... I'm talking about the 0xf0xx filenames, not about the 0x0331
> > type...  In theory that shouldn't matter, though(*).
> But notepad is a Unicode app and uses CreateFileW so it doesn't really
> matter that it doesn't understand the codepoints, it can still open it
> when passed the filename from explorer or when selected from the File
> Open common dialog.  Not the best testcase.  I'm talking about accessing
> the file in ANSI apps - they will just have no chance of ever opening it
> since the filename as they see it will ascii '?' for those codepoints. 
> For example an ANSI GUI Win32 program will let you see the file and
> select it in the File Open dialog (since comdlg32 is unicode) but it
> will just give an error that it can't access the file once you hit
> enter.

Is that really a problem?  I mean, you're creating files with characters
which you didn't expect to work on a Windows file system at all before.
How is allowing that a regression?  You also can't access files called
"nul" or "aux.c" from any Win32 application, but that should be no
reason not to create them if it works fine within Cygwin, imho.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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