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Re: [PATCH setup 0/2] Improve behavior after download error

On 2017-11-06 14:49, Ken Brown wrote:
> This is a followup to
>  The
> focus of that thread was a crash that occurs on the topic/libsolv
> branch.  Here I'm more interested in a UI issue.  Namely, I don't
> think it's reasonable that setup goes back to the site page if the
> user clicks Yes in response to "Download Incomplete. Try again?".
> This is not what the message says will happen, and I'm not convinced
> that it even works right if the user changes mirrors after being sent
> to the site page.

Would it make more sense to drop to the package chooser page, after issuing the
error message and advising the user to: select Back to go to the mirror chooser
page, select Next to retry the downloads, or select Cancel to exit?

In the current released setup, selecting Back on the package chooser page just
unconditionally redownloads setup.ini..., with all download dialogue box buttons
disabled, and drops back into the package chooser page, rather than allowing the
choice of: select Back to go to the mirror chooser page, select Next to download
setup.ini..., or Cancel to exit.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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