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Re: [ADOPT] iperf 2.0.8

On 2015-07-13 19:31, Joel Johnson wrote:
The list of packages that we use that are not built for 64-bit has
gotten small enough that the only one remaining is iperf, which is
marked as orphaned and will therefore not likely have an update. I'd
like to volunteer as a maintainer of the iperf package since it
appears to still be in an orphaned state. I'll have a package put
together and posted shortly if there aren't any objections.

Joel Johnson

I've put together an update for iperf, with no significant changes needed. I've done some consolidation into just the cygport file, and removed the override of src_compile as there were no special requirements and how it was neglected to do the cygautoreconf update step.

I've also bumped to version 2.0.5. There is a fork (sourceforge project iperf2 instead of iperf) with releases to 2.0.8, but I'm not comfortable uploading that since one of the changelog entries is an incompatible change ("Require -u for UDP (-b no longer defaults to UDP)"). I'll follow-up with an ITP for iperf3 which I recommend having as a separate package (named iperf3 following Debian naming) since it isn't strictly compatible.

    Source change history:


As I'm new to cygwin packaging, I have a few questions (coming from a Debian slant):

A) Is there a standard location for accessing source history of package files? I've put them on a github for the time being, is there a more appropriate location? I couldn't seem to find anything consistent for other packages.

B) What is the convention for line-wrapping on the ldesc in setup.hint, wrap or long lines?

C) There doesn't seem to be a way in the path structure to have the x86 binary, x86_64 binary, and a shared source file, or am I missing something?

D) When using setup.hint generation from the X.cygport file values, is there a way to specificy prev/current/test versions if needed?

E) Is the CYGWIN-PATCHES/README strictly required? There was one present previously, but I removed it since it didn't seem to add anything of value and was another file to track.

One issue that I did run into was in trying to use cygport to cross-compile from a x86 installation for a x86_64 target. I installed cygwin64, assuming that was in support of doing just that. It appeared to work until the actual compilation failing a lookup for rpl_malloc. Disabling the AC_FUNC_MALLOC check allowed it to succeed. Should the upload include a patch to disable that check, or is there some other package that I should have installed to make it work. I ended up doing a lean new 64-bit installation and the build went cleanly (as provided above), so it appears to be just a cross-compilation issue.

Thanks for review and feedback!


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