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Re: perl-5.22.0-RC2 / Perl distributions

Ken Brown writes:
> The only solution I can think of is to ship Biber as a self-contained
> Perl Archive made with PAR::Packer[*], built with version 1.17 of
> Unicode::Normalize.  I've gotten the latter from backpan and built it
> locally using the attached cygport file.

At the moment, judging from the ChangeLog, the only change for 1.18 was
the removal of the XS code.  So if that module still builds and works OK
on 5.22 even though the API it is using has been deprecated, I think
Cygwin should ship 1.17 as default until things are sorted out upstream.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf Blofeld:

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