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Re: setup

Hi Achim,

On Jul  1 22:37, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > Ok, for once.  But please make sure that you split the commit into
> > functional chunks next time it's so large.  And send it to this list, so
> > code snippets can be referenced in the review.
> I've split it up into three parts that at least compile cleanly.


> +extern IniList found_ini_list, setup_ext_list;
> +const std::string setup_exts[] = { "xz", "bz2", "ini" };

See (*) below.

> @@ -97,6 +99,8 @@ static BoolOption PackageManagerOption (false, 'M', "package-manager", "Semi-att
>  static BoolOption NoAdminOption (false, 'B', "no-admin", "Do not check for and enforce running as Administrator");
>  static BoolOption WaitOption (false, 'W', "wait", "When elevating, wait for elevated child process");
>  static BoolOption HelpOption (false, 'h', "help", "print help");
> +static StringOption SetupBaseNameOpt ("setup", 'i', "ini-basename", "Use a different basename instead of setup", false);

The word setup needs quoting of some sort I think.  An example wouldn't
hurt either.  What about

  "Use a different ini file basename instead of \"setup\", e.g. \"foo\".ini"


> +	(theFile->nFileSizeLow || theFile->nFileSizeHigh))
> +      {
> +	if (!casecompare (SetupBaseName + ".xz",  theFile->cFileName))
> +	  found_xz  = true;
> +	if (!casecompare (SetupBaseName + ".bz2", theFile->cFileName))
> +	  found_bz2 = true;
> +	if (!casecompare (SetupBaseName + ".ini", theFile->cFileName))
> +	  found_ini = true;
> +      }

(*) This puzzles me a bit.  You're keeping arrays and lists in terms of
the file suffix (setup_ext, setup_ext_list), but you don't use the
information here and elsewhere.  The setup_exts array already contains
the suffixes and constitutes an order.  If you extend the array of
strings to a struct, you could just run a loop over it in places like
the above and generalize the suffix handling.  For instance...

  struct ini_suffix_t
    char *suffix;
    bool needs_decompressing;

  ini_suffix_t ini_suffixes[] = {
    { "xz", true },
    { "bz2", true },
    { "ini", false },
    { NULL, false } };

  bool found_ini[];  // <- just as example

  for (i = 0; ini_suffixes[i].suffix; ++i)
    if (!casecompare (SetupBaseName + "." + ini_suffixes[i].suffix, ...)
      found_ini[i] = true;

This would work OOTB, without C++11x initializer lists, and you could
drop setup_ext_list entirely.

This would also simplify things if there's a new compression we want to

> +    if (found_xz)
> +      found_ini_list.push_back(basePath + "/" + aDir->cFileName + "/" + SetupBaseName + ".xz");
> +    else if (found_bz2)
> +      found_ini_list.push_back(basePath + "/" + aDir->cFileName + "/" + SetupBaseName + ".bz2");
> +    else if (found_ini)
> +      found_ini_list.push_back(basePath + "/" + aDir->cFileName + "/" + SetupBaseName + ".ini");

Same kind of loop here.

  for (i = 0; ini_suffixes[i].suffix; ++i)
    if (found_ini[i])
      found_ini_list.push_back (... + ini_suffixes[i].suffix);

Ideally found_ini_list keeps a pointer into ini_suffixes as well so
you don't have to extract the suffix again at (**).

> Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Refactor setup search and implement XZ compressed setup
>  files
> 	* Construct setup_ext_list from array until we can use
> 	C++11 aggregate initializers.
> 	(decompress_ini): Refactored for use from do_local_ini and
> 	do_remote_ini.  Change outdated comment about setup.ini
> 	uncompressed size.
> 	(check_ini_sig): Factor out signature check.
> 	(fetch_remote_ini): Refactored for use from do_remote_ini.
> 	(do_local_ini): Iterate over search results in found_ini_list.
> 	Use ini_decompress and check_ini_sig.
            missing name change

> +  // Unless the NoVerifyOption is set, check the signature for the
> +  // current setup and record the result.  On a failed signature check
> +  // the streams are invalidated so even if we tried to read in the
> +  // setup anyway there's be nothing to parse.

I'd prefer /* */ for multiline comments, but that's used pretty
inconsistently anyway, so, never mind.

> +  IniDBBuilderPackage aBuilder(myFeedback);
> +  io_stream *ini_file, *ini_sig_file;
> +  // iterate over all setup files found in do_from_local_dir
> +  for (IniList::const_iterator n = found_ini_list.begin();
> +       n != found_ini_list.end(); ++n)
> +    {
> +      bool sig_fail = false;
> +      std::string current_ini_ext, current_ini_name, current_ini_sig_name;
> +
> +      current_ini_name = *n;
> +      current_ini_sig_name = current_ini_name + ".sig";
> +      current_ini_ext = current_ini_name.substr(current_ini_name.rfind(".") + 1);

(**) See above.

> +      ini_sig_file = io_stream::open("file://" + current_ini_sig_name, "rb", 0);
> +      ini_file = io_stream::open("file://" + current_ini_name, "rb", 0);
> +      ini_file = check_ini_sig (ini_file, ini_sig_file, sig_fail,
> +				"localdir", current_ini_sig_name.c_str(), owner);

The existing code is inconsistently formatted, but for new code it would
be nice if we could try to be more consistent.  Always prepend a space
to a left parenthesis, please.

> +      // did we find a compressed setup?
> +      if (ini_file &&
> +	  !(casecompare (current_ini_ext, "xz") &&
> +	    casecompare (current_ini_ext, "bz2")))
> +	ini_file = decompress_ini(ini_file);

(*) And this could simply use the information from ini_suffixes if
"current_ini_ext" wouldn't be the actual extension, but rather a pointer
into ini_suffixes.  Kind of like

  if (ini_file && current_ini_ext->needs_decompressing)
    ini_file = decompress_ini (ini_file);

Sorry if that's a lot.  It just occured to me while reading your code.
I'm not adamant about the structural change I outlined above, but to
me it seems better to do it that way.  What do you think?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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