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Re: stunnel build chokes on -no-undefined

On 2015-05-26 18:07, Andrew Schulman wrote:
>> The libtool command should almost always include -no-undefined, so you
>> should probably add that.
> OK, thanks.  So, uh... could you suggest how I would add an option to the
> libtool command?  Sorry, I'm just not strong on autotools.  Thanks, Andrew

>From a quick peek at the source, you should make this change in src/

-libstunnel_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version
+libstunnel_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -no-undefined

and then hope that libstunnel has no undefined symbols that need to be
provided by someone else to link a whole program. Most libraries do not
have such undefined symbols. You can probably send that change upstream.

Where did -Wl,-no-undefined come from?


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