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Re: [ITP] OpenCoarrays 1.0

On Thu, 2015-05-07 at 18:51 +0200, Alessandro Fanfarillo wrote:
> I would like to port the OpenCoarrays library ( on
> Cygwin. The library implements the multi-image Coarray Fortran support
> on GCC 5.1 and it is distributed under BSD 3 license.
> It requires GCC 5.1 and a MPI implementation (OpenMPI works fine).
> Since this is the first time I work on a Cygwin package, any
> suggestion/instruction/comment is more than welcome.

As Marco mentioned, we are currently on GCC 4.9 and, due to the ABI
changes in GCC 5, will not be able to upgrade to it without a mass
rebuild.  Therefore, it will be some time before this package can be
added to the distribution.


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