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Re: [HEADSUP] Dropping libopenssl098 from distro

On 1/23/2015 8:48 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
My guess is correct.  lisp.exe uses bit 31 (counting from the LSB) as a marker
during garbage collection, and this is incompatible with Cygwin's use of high
memory for the heap.  I think I know how to fix this (by defining
LINUX_NOEXEC_HEAPCODES in the Cygwin build), but I haven't finished testing it yet.

I've now built clisp-2.48 with this change (32-bit only), and I've tested it as well as I can, given that I'm not a clisp user. The build passes all but a handful of about 12,000 tests, so I think it's probably OK. (None of the test failures involved crashes.)

I'm attaching the patches that I applied (on top of Reini's patches) in order to make the build succeed. I also had to use libdb4.5 instead of libdb4.8.
Reini, if you're still lurking, maybe you could take a look at the patches.


Attachment: 2.48-Handle.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 2.48-HEAPCODES.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 2.48-uuid.patch
Description: Text document

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