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[ITA] rpm

 Hello! Haven't talked for a while...
 I am currently involved with Tizen OS and my dream is to get its build
system running on Cygwin. The whole thing is based on RPM, so i had to do
some upgrades to our RPM port. I took 4.12 version, v5 appeared to be too
 Download URL is: . The site is in Russian, sorry
for that, just press the green button in order to get a single TAR file. All
packages (64-bit) are inside.
 Of course before uploading to Cygwin i'll rebuild the 32-bit version too.

 I have tested this version, even built some packages. Seems to work OK.
This version even works for installing root filesystem packages into a
dedicated sysroot. I had to do some improvements to unpacking algorithm in
order to make this possible. Also i have enabled Python API, which is
necessary for running gbs.

Kind regards,
Pavel Fedin
Expert Engineer
Samsung Electronics Research center Russia

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