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Re: cygport patches for TeX Live

On 1/5/2015 12:52 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Ken Brown writes:
Do you have an opinion about that?  I suggested /etc/texmf/postinstall
or /var/lib/texmf/postinstall, but Achim had other ideas.  The only
precedent we have so far is Achim's new _autorebase, which uses

Even for this I think /etc is the wrong place and I'd consider moving it
elsewhere.  Something in /var on the other hand sounds OK to me.
LSB/FHS seems to suggest /var/lib for this purpose unless there is yet
another more specific requirement I didn't find while browsing it.

In view of, I'll use /var/lib/texmf/postinstall for the postinstall markers. I'm attaching revised cygport patches.

I'm also attaching, for reference, the corresponding revised perpetual postinstall scripts.


Attachment: 0001-prep_texlive-remove-calls-to-mktexlsr.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 0002-prep_texlive-remove-calls-to-fc-cache.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 0003-prep_texlive-group-enable-disable-commands-in-calls-.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 0p_texlive_prep.dash
Description: Text document

Attachment: zp_texlive_finish.dash
Description: Text document

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