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I've finally managed to produce a working Perl including debuginfo via
cygport.  I have not yet ported most patches from Reini's 5.18.2 test
version or checked whether they are still necessary.  I've also
experimented with splitting off a perl_base package (I've used the
selection of files from openSUSE) and the result looks quite nice (if
you compare with the existing packages, keep in mind they are Bzip2
compressed and thus a bit larger for the same unpacked size):

 5,1M  5. Jan 21:23 perl-5.18.4-1.tar.xz
 1,1M  5. Jan 21:23 perl_base-5.18.4-1.tar.xz
 5,5M  5. Jan 21:23 perl_manpages-5.18.4-1.tar.xz
 1,6M  5. Jan 21:23 perl_pods-5.18.4-1.tar.xz

Separating the Pods into their own package doesn't appear to have much
of an advantage, but who knows what it'll be good for.  In any case it
looks like a bare-bones Perl might easily fit into Base.  I'm not sure
yet what to do with the other modules that are bundled into Perl as
released, I might actually give them their own packages since I think
some should be updated anyway.

Seeing that swapping out Perl will also trigger the rebuild of many more
packages, I think by the time we get to this 5.22 might already be
released (in May 2015).  I'd probably prefer to jump straight to that
version and then take it from there.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptation for Waldorf microQ V2.22R2:

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