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Re: cygport gives DOS line ending errors

> > After you clone cygport in Cygwin, do you get the same result as below?
> >
> > $ file
> > Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable, with CRLF
> > line terminators
> No CRLF.  Either you're using a Windows git, or maybe you're trying to 
> clone into a text mount.

Thank you for your help.  I found the problem.  In my ~/.gitconfig, SOMEONE set

  autocrlf = true

I say SOMEONE because I would NEVER do that.  In the last few weeks I've been
trying out some Windows git clients.  I'm not even sure which ones, but I
installed and uninstalled several.  One of them apparently took the liberty of
making this change for me.  Grrr.

I nuked the offending line and the problem is fixed.  Sorry to have bothered


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