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UPDATE: cygwin-64bit-missing

Please update list:

   [*] package has been uploaded to x64 (2014-06-12)
   [-] orphaned

   tinyirc does not compile under x64


*  apngtools
*  cccc
*  cscope
*  duff
*  flog
-  geoip
*  ifile
*  jlint
*  kgb
*  most
*  ncftp
*  newmail
*  odt2txt
*  ogmtools
*  pax
*  pstotext
*  qiv
*  readpst
*  renameutils
*  renattach
*  rtf2html-htdig
*  rzip
*  sgrep
*  shed
*  sic
*  since
*  spamoracle
*  steghide
*  suck
*  sudoku
*  symlinks
*  tirc
*  tnftp
*  tree
*  ttcp
*  unace
*  unalz
*  unrtf
*  wput
*  xlhtml
-  xloadimage
*  xtail
*  ytree
*  zoo

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