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[ITP] sng

I'd like to maintain sng for Cygwin.  sng is a markup language and
compiler/decompiler for PNG images.

sng is in Debian (  It also used
to be in Cygwin, until it was obsoleted last year because it depended on
libpng12.  Thanks to Yaakov for pointing me to the patches from Gentoo
that update it to libpng15.  With that help sng now builts and runs fine
again in Cygwin, x86 and x86_64.


category: Graphics
requires: libpng15 rgb
sdesc: "Markup language and compiler/decompiler for PNG"
ldesc: "SNG (Scriptable Network Graphics) is a minilanguage designed
specifically to represent the entire contents of a PNG (Portable
Network Graphics) file in an editable form.  Thus, SNGs representing
elaborate graphics images and ancillary chunk data can be readily
generated or modified using only text tools.  SNG is implemented by a
compiler/decompiler called sng that losslessly translates between SNG
and PNG."

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