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openssl packaging (was: "dst_lib_init: openssl failure" after yesterday's update)

On 2012-04-06 03:20, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
After reading that problem I'm wondering if it's not the fault of the
openssl packaging.  The runtime shared libs cygssl and cygcrypto are in
the libopensslXXX package, but the engines are in the openssl package.

That would seem to be the problem, as libcrypto is the one to use the engines directly.

Yaakov, do you just change the dependency of the bind package

Wouldn't this be a problem for any package using libcrypto?

or do you think the engines should be moved to the libopensslXXX package?

There is a problem with that. Both 0.9.x and 1.0.1 install the engines into the same directory, /usr/lib/engines. You can't ship them in both libopenssl098 and libopenssl100 because of file clobbering, and as most of them are linked with libcrypto, I wonder what happens if you use the 1.0.1 engines with 0.9.x or vice-versa.

Therefore, the proper solution is for each version of the libraries to install their engines into a versioned directory (/usr/lib/openssl-$PV/engines) and ship them in the libopenssl packages. Unfortunately, that will require patching the Configure script, such as:;f=openssl-1.0.0-beta5-enginesdir.patch;hb=HEAD



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