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Re: [ITP] win-ssh-agent 1.07

On Nov  4 15:37, Nayuta Taga wrote:
> 2011/11/4 Christopher Faylor
> > On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 09:52:20AM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> >>> I'd like to package and maintain win-ssh-agent for Cygwin.
> >>> With the win-ssh-agent, we can use the ssh-agent (available inthe
> >>> cygwin openssh) in the more smart way.
> >>> Normally, we need to start all relevant programs, which mightneed to
> >>> use the ssh, as child processes of the shell(e.g. bash) in which you
> >>> eval'ed the ssh-agent. ?Because, theprograms must be able to refer to
> >>> environment variables thatset by the ssh-agent.
> >>> The win-ssh-agent enables all programs to refer to theenvironment
> >>> variables of the ssh-agent, i.e. theSSH_AUTH_SOCK. ?Now, we no longer
> >>> need to start programs aschild processes of the shell.
> >>
> >>+1 Sounds useful.
> >
> > I don't agree. ?I don't see why this couldn't be accomplished using
> > standard UNIX tools
> The win-ssh-agent is for applications that uses the cygwin openssh
> internally and are executed from the Explorer (i.e. via the
> ShellExecute() API).
> The keychain in the distribution cannot propagate SSH_AUTH_SOCK to
> them.

You can eaily propagate the SSH_* environment variables to other
sessions via scripting, if you store the variables in a known path.
You don't have to change the registry for that to work.

> Example:
> Consider the ntemacs ( ) .
> (1) I want to use it because the cygwin emacs does not have its own
>     windows.  The cygwin emacs works only in the terminal.

Try xemacs.  It has a Windows GUI fallback mode if there's no X display.

> (2) I want to run it from the start menu or the Windows 7's task bar
>     (not from the cygwin bash shell).  It is the window's style to run
>     applications.

You can start it from the start menu via a bash script which pulls in
the SSH_* environment before starting emacs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to include win-ssh-agent into the
distro if it gets enough votes, but there are simple ways to solve this
problem without a Windows GUI application.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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