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Re: [ITP] ca-certificates

On Mon, 2011-10-31 at 21:06 +0100, David Sastre wrote:
> The cygport 'get' command failed because
> SRC_URI="fedora/certdata.txt fedora/blacklist.txt
> fedora/"
> Is this intended?

Short version: yes, because the files aren't easily wget(1)able.  The
files are still part of the -src tarball, of course, so this doesn't
affect rebuilding from source.

> Also, in the 'compile' step: 
> /usr/src/ca-certificates-1.78-1-src/ca-certificates-1.78-1.cygport:
> line 26: ident: command not found
> /usr/src/ca-certificates-1.78-1-src/ca-certificates-1.78-1.cygport:
> line 40: ident: command not found

ident is part of the rcs package.

> Looks like you forgot an empty src_test():
> >>> Testing ca-certificates-1.78-1
> *** ERROR: no Makefile found.  You must define your own
> src_test().

No, there's no testsuite, but it really shouldn't be an error.  Fixed in
cygport master, commit db03c46.

> During 'install':
> *** Warning: Cygwin README is missing

Obsolete warning, fixed in cygport master, commit 6f889ab.


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