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Re: Ooops, minor setup.hint glitch - and announce list bouncing my posts

On 3/22/2011 5:19 PM, Dave Korn wrote:
>   Guess I forgot to actually ask: Do we prefer the situation where all users
> of curr: packages get a few extra libs that they don't need, or would we
> prefer not to make them download extra libs and rely on users of test:
> packages to manually download anything they find themselves missing?  On the
> whole I guess loading a few extra libs on "normal" users is probably not a
> serious burden but wondered if others had thought about it.

I usually go ahead and add the new libs to the global requires.

This is similar to the situation when a dependent library gets version
bumped; I'll typically include BOTH the libs in my app's requires spec:

requires: libncurses7 libncurses8


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