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Re: [ITP] gnucap-2009.12.07-1

On 3/17/2011 3:34 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Mar 17 02:17, Peter Li wrote:
I believe 2009.12.07 to be quite stable, but I thought it might be good to include 0.35 as a backup. In addition the 0.35 package includes a (still relevant) documentation PDF that is absent in the 2009.12.07 package. I could try to add this PDF into 2009.12.07-2?
That would be better.  Given that you have usually only one version of a
package installed, the user would otherwise have the choice of
installing the old package and get the PDF doc, or installing the
current package and not have it.  That doesn't sound very satisfying for
a user.

Agreed! I wasn't sure how much doctoring of the package is a good idea; I have a notion that we wouldn't want a Cygwin package to behave too differently from the original due to cobbling versions or other tweaks. But in any case this is not that level of tweaking at all.


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