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Re: setup: CVS HEAD does not install test: releases

On 16/08/2010 04:25, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> setup CVS HEAD (2.717) does not download test: releases in either
> Install from Internet and Download Without Installing modes.
> I found this out by trying to install gcc4-*-4.5.0-1; after selecting
> the 4.5.0-1 versions of gcc4-*, they did not show up in the Pending
> view, nor were they downloaded or installed.  However, setup did
> uninstall my 4.3.4-3, leaving me without *any* gcc. :-(

  Arg.  And you'll get trouble trying to reinstall it, because your old
previously downloaded 4.3.4-3 packages now won't match the md5sum of the
silently-upgraded-in-place packages listed in the current version of setup.ini.

  Also, it seems that it's no longer possible to select the "Retrieve"
(meaning re-download) option for those packages.

  You may have to blow away that part of your package dir; doing so allowed me
to redownload 4.3.4-3 and reinstall it successfully, at any rate.


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