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Re: NOTICE for all package maintainers with faulty post-install scripts

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:35:12AM -0400, Andrew Schulman wrote:
>Let me be sure first that I understand the new functionality.  By "fail" we
>mean exiting with a non-zero status, correct?

Yes.  On Windows and on Unix a "failing" program means a program which
exits with a non-zero status.

For more details read the error reports in the Cygwin mailing list.  If
your package is failing it will be reported there.  It may not have your
package name in the subject, though, since several packages may be
showing up in the dialog box.

In theory my original message shouldn't even be needed but I'm not
seeing a lot of responses from affected package maintainers on this
issue so I wanted to make sure that it was understood that this needs to
be addressed.


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