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Re: TZ=CEST not detected

On Feb 28 14:23, Reini Urban wrote:
> Looks like CEST is not honored anymore, TZ=CET works okay.
> Haven't investigated when it stopped working.
> $ TZ=CET date
> Sun Feb 28 14:22:32 CET 2010
> $ TZ=CEST date
> Sun Feb 28 13:22:34 GMT 2010
> $ uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-5.1 reini 1.7.1(0.218/5/3) 2009-12-07 11:48 i686 Cygwin

No change has been made to this area of the code in Cygwin and Cygwin
doesn't recognize CET and CEST alone.  It needs the /usr/share/zoneinfo
directory for that, otherwise it generates a TZ name from the Windows
TZ name (something like MET/MEST).
However, looking into /usr/share/zoneinfo I see a CET zone, but not a
CEST zone.  I'm not sure "CEST" is valid at all.  Valid expressions are
in any case



Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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