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[ITP, take 2] Re: [ITP] libelf

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

> For your own convenience, I would strongly suggest 

> MAKEOPTS should not be used to 

> Same goes for SIG

  Thanks, I don't know much about the detailed usage of quite a few of the
cygport variables.  (There isn't any other significant documentation beyond
the contents of /usr/share/doc/cygport/, is there?)

 > Why do you pass --disable-compat?  This prevents gelf.h and libelf.h
> from also being installed in $prefix/include, where some packages expect
> to find it (e.g. bug-buddy).  Both Debian and Gentoo make these headers
> available there.

  I used --disable-compat because I thought it would keep things tidy to tuck
them away in their own subdir and that pkg-config would take care of the rest,
but if there are packages that won't find the headers without it, it's not
worth doing, so I removed it.

> In the .src.patch, it looks like lib/libelf.def has a line ending issue;
> the only obvious difference is the removal of the LIBRARY token.

  (There's also three new imports added, but anyway:) I couldn't figure out
how to solve that in the cygport framework, so I just let it go.  The original
file is CRLF, I edit the file and make sure to preserve CRLFs and get a
.src.patch with just a few lines difference, great; but as soon as you rebuild
it from source, patch converts the line endings of the entire file to LF when
it applies the diff (as it's running in text mode), and so the regenerated
package has the whole file looking different.  Is there a fix?  I just figured
it was no real harm and to live with it.

> If you want, you can compare to my libelf package in Ports:

  Say, I checked but didn't find that! ->
"A list of currently available packages" -> -> no mention of libelf!

  Anyway, we did more or less the same things re. shared libs and -lintl, and
I decided to make DESTDIR work rather than disable it because I know that
better than I do how to use the do* macros.

  Why didn't you get problems when it detected the cygwin elf.h?  The way it
worked out for me, when libelf noticed I had /usr/include/elf.h, the installed
headers deferred to that rather than using libelf's own elf_repl.h, causing
gcc bootstrap to fail for lack of a definition of SHN_XINDEX.  (Hence why I
adjusted the autoconf test for elf.h to use it.)

  Anyway I've updated it with all your suggestions, mind taking a second look?
 All packages at the same URLs as before.

----------------test package download script----------------
cd /tmp
rm -rf libelf0/
mkdir libelf0
cd libelf0
wget \ \ \
mkdir libelf0-devel
cd libelf0-devel
wget \ \

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