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Putting my packages up for adoption

Greetings all,

I've been using Linux exclusively at work for over a year. Today I've
started dual-booting my primary machine to Linux too. I'm no longer
going to be using Windows on a daily basis, so I don't think I'll be
able to do an adequate job of package maintenance in the future.
Accordingly I'm putting my packages up for adoption:

 * apache2
 * apr1 & aprutil1
 * doxygen
 * expat
 * neon
 * patchutils
 * sqlite3
 * subversion
 * swig

I'll be keeping an eye on the list, if people want to ask any questions
about the packages, and until adopters can be found I may still manage
an update or two.

Farewell, of sorts, and thanks everyone for helping make Windows a nice
place to be the past many years!


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