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Re: SuiteSparse-3.1.0-1

>>>>> Marco Atzeri writes:

    > Hi All,
    > I would like to adopt SuiteSparse

    > It is one of the packages need to compile octave,
    > it is also present in debian.

Attached a change to the cygwin specific patch which fixes a small
setup.hint error and a new .cygport file which builds out of the source tree.


diff -urN origsrc/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README src/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README
--- origsrc/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ src/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README	2008-04-27 14:03:39.546875000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+SuiteSparse is a single archive that contains 
+o AMD: symmetric approximate minimum degree
+o BTF: permutation to block triangular form
+o CAMD: symmetric approximate minimum degree
+o CCOLAMD: constrained column approximate minimum degree
+o COLAMD: column approximate minimum degree
+o CHOLMOD: sparse supernodal Cholesky factorization and update/downdate
+o CSparse: a concise sparse matrix package
+o CXSparse: an extended version of CSparse
+o KLU: sparse LU factorization, for circuit simulation
+o LDL: a simple LDL^T factorization
+o UMFPACK: sparse multifrontal LU factorization
+o RBio: MATLAB toolbox for reading/writing sparse matrices
+o UFconfig: common configuration for all but CSparse
+o LINFACTOR: solve Ax=b using LU or CHOL
+o MESHND: 2D and 3D mesh generation and nested dissection
+o SSMULT: sparse matrix times sparse matrix 
+Plus this software (in SuiteSparse itself, not downloaded separately):
+o UFcollection: software for managing the collection
+o MATLAB_Tools: various m-file utilities 
+  licensed GPL v 2.
+Runtime requirements:
+  cygwin-1.5.25 or newer
+  lapack-3.0 or newer
+  blas
+Build requirements:
+  cygwin
+  blas
+  lapack-3.0 or newer
+  gcc-3.3.3  or newer
+  binutils-20030901-1 or newer
+  binutils, gcc, g++, g77, make, ine, tetex, tetex-base,
+  diff, patch, texi2html
+Canonical homepage:
+Canonical download:
+Special Notes:
+  1) To compile CSXSparse on cygwin the patch
+     is needed.
+	As explained 
+  2) to allow a correctly compilation of  Octave the relevant 
+     Suitsparse include files are also copied  in 
+     /usr/include/suitesparse also that in their own sub-directory
+----------  SuiteSparse-3.1.0-1 -----------
+Initial Cygwin Package
+Cygwin port maintained by: Marco Atzeri
+Please address all questions to the Cygwin mailing list at
diff -urN origsrc/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/lib-devel.hint src/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/lib-devel.hint
--- origsrc/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/lib-devel.hint	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ src/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/lib-devel.hint	2008-04-27 14:04:33.187500000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+sdesc: "SuiteSparse - (development)" 
+category: Devel Libs Math
+requires: cygwin lapack
+ldesc: "library and headers of SuiteSparse. Used to compile Octave"
diff -urN origsrc/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/setup.hint src/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/setup.hint
--- origsrc/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/setup.hint	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ src/SuiteSparse/CYGWIN-PATCHES/setup.hint	2008-04-27 14:03:39.546875000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+sdesc: "SuiteSparse" 
+category: Libs Math
+requires: cygwin 
+ldesc: "library and headers of SuiteSparse. Used to compile Octave"

DESCRIPTION="SuiteSparse a collection of sparse matrix algorithms"

PKG_NAMES="${PN} lib${PN}-devel"
PKG_HINTS="setup lib-devel"
PKG_CONTENTS[1]='usr/include/ usr/lib/'

# We don't use the standard src_compile and src_install.

src_compile() {
    cd ${S}
    cd ${B}
    make purge

src_test() {

src_install() {
	cd ${B}
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/amd
	doins AMD/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/btf
	doins BTF/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/camd
	doins CAMD/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/ccolamd
	doins CCOLAMD/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/cholmod
	doins CHOLMOD/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/colamd
	doins COLAMD/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/csparse
	doins CSparse/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/cxsparse
	doins CXSparse/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/klu
	doins KLU/Include/*.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/ufconfig
	doins UFconfig/UFconfig.h
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/umfpack
	doins UMFPACK/Include/*.h

	# to correctly compile octave
	insinto /usr/include/suitesparse/
	doins AMD/Include/*.h
	doins CCOLAMD/Include/*.h
	doins CHOLMOD/Include/*.h
	doins COLAMD/Include/*.h
	doins CXSparse/Include/*.h
	doins UFconfig/UFconfig.h
	doins UMFPACK/Include/*.h

	# insinto /usr/lib
	dolib AMD/Lib/libamd.a
	dolib BTF/Lib/libbtf.a
	dolib CAMD/Lib/libcamd.a
	dolib CCOLAMD/Lib/libccolamd.a
	dolib CHOLMOD/Lib/libcholmod.a
	dolib COLAMD/Lib/libcolamd.a
	dolib CSparse/Lib/libcsparse.a
	dolib CXSparse/Lib/libcxsparse.a
	dolib KLU/Lib/libklu.a
	dolib UMFPACK/Lib/libumfpack.a
	dodoc README.txt
	cd ${S}/AMD
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/AMD/
	doins README.txt Doc/AMD_UserGuide.pdf Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License
	cd ${S}/BTF
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/BTF/
	doins README.txt  Doc/ChangeLog 
	cd ${S}/CAMD
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/CAMD/
	doins README.txt Doc/CAMD_UserGuide.pdf Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License
	cd ${S}/CCOLAMD
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/CCOLAMD/
	doins README.txt Doc/ChangeLog 
	cd ${S}/CHOLMOD
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/CHOLMOD/
	doins README.txt Doc/UserGuide.pdf Doc/ChangeLog 
	cd ${S}/COLAMD
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/COLAMD/
	doins README.txt Doc/ChangeLog 
	cd ${S}/CSparse
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/CSparse/
	doins README.txt Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License.txt
	cd ${S}/CXSparse
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/CXSparse/
	doins README.txt Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License.txt
	cd ${S}/KLU
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/KLU/
	doins README.txt Doc/KLU_UserGuide.pdf Doc/ChangeLog 
	cd ${S}/LDL
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/LDL/
	doins README.txt Doc/ldl_userguide.pdf Doc/ChangeLog 
	cd ${S}/RBio
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/RBio/
	doins README.txt Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License.txt
	cd ${S}/UFcollection
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/UFcollection
	doins README.txt Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License.txt
	cd ${S}/UMFPACK
	insinto /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PV}/UMFPACK
	doins README.txt Doc/QuickStart.pdf Doc/UserGuide.pdf Doc/ChangeLog Doc/License


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