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RE: [HEADSUP] Let's start a Cygwin 1.7 release area wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> it just occured to me that I need the exact key name which setup will
>> use to store the root directory of the installation.  I nedd it to
>> get cygcheck working, even if it's not installed into the same path
>> as the Cygwin DLL. 
>>   "{HKLM,HKCU}\Software\Cygwin\???"
>> ??? = "Setup\root" maybe?  Or with a version number?
> A good question.  I haven't implemented anything yet, so we can choose
> whatever we want.  I wonder if it's really necessary to have a whole
> subkey for this since at the moment there is only the one value that
> setup will read.  How about simply "\Software\Cygwin\rootdir"?
> That reminds me of something... I've always been a bit annoyed that
> people always resort to manually editing the registry to
> remove Cygwin,
> when umount is the documented and preferred method.  But now, we will
> have no such utility to suggest and so to remove Cygwin the
> user will be
> forced to use regedit.

regtool remove {HKLM,HKCU}\Software\Cygwin\???

>  Combined with the fact that most
> users trip over
> the fact that sometimes ACLs on files like /var/log/sshd.log require
> them to take ownership before deleting, I would like to be
> able to offer
> an uninstaller.  This would handle checking for running
> Cygwin processes
> and prompting to exit them (or terminating them), stopping and
> uninstalling all Cygwin services, deleting the entire Cygwin tree,
> removing start menu and desktop icons, removing everything from the
> registry, and whatever else is necessary.  It would be the nuclear
> option, deleting without remorse all traces with one click; I think
> users want this.  It would of course be a standalone MinGW app like
> setup.exe, except that it would get installed somewhere in
> the tree, and
> added to the add/remove applet.  Anyway, SHTDI and everything
> but I just
> want to float the idea to gauge response.

Guess, it's nevertheless a good idea ...

- Jörg

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