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Re: [ITA] libXft/libXft2/libXft-devel-2.1.7: A client-side font API for X applications

>>>>> Brian Dessent writes:

    > Brian Dessent wrote:
    >> As Angelo tried to report on the wrong mailing list, this is totally
    >> broken.  How are you supposed to compile any X11 apps after installing
    >> this package, without manually adding -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 to
    >> CPPFLAGS?  Simply installing libXft-devel causes all the X11 headers to
    >> no longer work, because the only thing left under /usr/include/X11 is
    >> now Xft/.

    > Furthermore, with the current situation, if you install libXft-devel and
    > then reinstall xorg-x11-devel, the libXft headers (and anything else you
    > might have installed in the directory /usr/include/X11) are deleted when
    > the symlink is remade!  That is clearly broken.  You can't have two
    > packages sharing ownership of a directory like that.  Please fix.

Will fix it this evening.

By the way my libXaw3d-devel has the same problem. So I will switch both
of them back to the /usr/X11R6 hierarchy an provide a post-install script
for the /usr/include/X11 symlink.

    > Brian


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