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RE: [ Re: [MinGW-dvlpr] GCC 4.3.0 i386-pc-mingw32 ALPHA Release]

cgf wrote on 07 April 2008 04:45:

> Are the changes here usable for cygwin?
> cgf

  Not sure yet:

> > shared libgcc enabled

  That bit's fairly easy.  I'll take a look at the approach and see if it's
different from how I've done it.  (Needs shared libstdc++ and libgfortran as
well to really be worthwhile in the cygwin distro, I think).

> > vtable symbol fix
> > main symbol fix
> > static object build system fix

  Don't know what these problems really are, will check and import patches
if useful.

> > This release is compiled to support Dwarf2 exception handling only.
> > Dwarf2 is mutually incompatible with all other exception handling
> > schemes, and foreign frames. 
> > 
> > If you want to throw exceptions between modules, you need to compile
> > with -shared-gcclib.

  I'm also building dw-2-only versions of gcc4, btw.

  I hope to prepare a test release over the next few weeks while also
sending patches upstream to switch gcc over to shared libs and dwarf 2 on
cygwin target - I figure that we probably just have to live with the
throwing-from-win32-callbacks issue on HEAD FTM and fix it using SEH.  With
your gcc maintainer hat on, does that sound like an approach you'd be happy

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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