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Re: [HEADSUP] Let's start a Cygwin 1.7 release area

On Apr  3 12:11, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 04:19:58PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >Do you think that / should be free as today:
> >
> >  C:\arbitrary\useless\new\path / ntfs binary 0 0
> >
> >or do you think an automatic approach as the above
> >
> >  root / ntfs binary 0 0
> >
> >is the way to go?  As for cygdrives, isn't the
> >
> >  cygdrive /mnt auto binary 0 0 
> >
> >already along the lines of an automount?!?
> "auto" in /etc/fstab doesn't mean "automount".  It means that it is
> meant to be "auto"matically mounted at "boot time".  That's fine for /, /bin, /usr/bin.
> It isn't fine for z: where z: is a usb device.

Uh, that's something I didn't look for.  I just used the word "auto"
because it sounded nice at this point.  Actually the third field
is ignored.  The important part is the "cygdrive" in the first field,
which is along the lines of, say, "proc" or "sysfs" in Linux.  We
don't have a reason (so far) to care for the FS type field in fstab.

> >> >Another problem is that the 1.7 mount(1) still creates the mount entries
> >> >in the registry.  This should be removed, if we stick to the file based
> >> >approach.  mount would only create temporary mount points which are
> >> >only valid in this single session, until the last Cygwin process in this
> >> >session exits.  A bit like a reboot on Linux :)
> >> 
> >> On XP it should be possible to make it so that the mounts last until
> >> reboot.  If we can do that I think it would be ideal.
> >
> >How?  The mount points are bound to the existance of the shared
> >memory they reside in.  This shared mem disappears when the last
> >Cygwin process in a session exits.
> I have to research what I'm thinking of but I think it's possible.  I don't
> know if it is possible for a non-privileged user though.

If you mean to create permanent shared objects, that's not possible for
an admin user either without tweaking the security policy.  This policy
is by default only active for kernel mode code.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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