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Re: [ITA] jasper: JPEG 2000 library

>>>>> Corinna Vinschen writes:

    > On Apr  1 00:25, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
    >> Hi
    >> I would like to adopt and maintain the 'jasper' package from Gerrit P.Haase and 
    >> split it into 'jasper/libjasper17011/libjasper-devel' packages.

    > Huh?  libjasper*17011*?  Did we have so many versions of libjasper already? ;)
    > Just out of curiosity, what does this big number mean here?

Actually I forgot to ask on the list before packaging. But it's not too
late. I can still repackage if we sort it out.

The actual source package is The cygwin release will
be revision 2.

libtool for jasper-1.701.0 creates cygjasper-1-701-1.dll

So how should we name the corresponding library package:


libtool for jasper-1.900.1 creates cygjasper-1.dll

In this case we have libjasper1-1.900.1-1.tar.bz2


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