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RE: [PATCH] setup.exe: specify packages on command line

Thrall, Bryan wrote on Thursday, August 09, 2007 12:46 PM:
> In reply to,
> Igor suggested that cleaning up Frank's patch would get it merged
> into setup.exe. Please see attached patch for my cleaned up version
> (hopefully this is the clean up he was asking for).   
> For the ChangeLog:
> 2007-08-09  Bryan Thrall  <>
> 	* (PackageOption): Option for specifying packages
> 	add to the Base category from command line.
> 	(manuallyAddedToBase): Checks that the given package needs to be
> 	added to Base. (fillMissingCategory): Add packages from command
> to Base. 
> 	* package_meta.h (addToCategoryBase): Declaration.
> 	* (addToCategoryBase): Add Base category to

Actually, maybe Frank should be listed as the contributor? It was
originally his patch, after all.

Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International

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