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setup.hints which mention Base in their category

The discussion in the cygwin list got me wondering if we had had creepage
into the Base category so, since grep is my friend, I came up with this

alternatives/setup.hint                 gzip/setup.hint
ash/setup.hint                          login/setup.hint
base-files/setup.hint                   man/setup.hint
base-passwd/setup.hint                  ncurses/libncurses5/setup.hint
bash/setup.hint                         ncurses/libncurses6/setup.hint
brltty/setup.hint                       ncurses/libncurses7/setup.hint
coreutils/setup.hint                    ncurses/libncurses8/setup.hint
cygwin-doc/setup.hint                   ncurses/setup.hint
cygwin/setup.hint                       readline/libreadline4/setup.hint
diffutils/setup.hint                    readline/libreadline5/setup.hint
editrights/setup.hint                   readline/libreadline6/setup.hint
findutils/setup.hint                    rebase/setup.hint
gawk/setup.hint                         run/setup.hint
gdbm/libgdbm-devel/setup.hint           sed/setup.hint
gdbm/libgdbm/setup.hint                 tar/setup.hint
gdbm/libgdbm3/setup.hint                termcap/setup.hint
gdbm/libgdbm4/setup.hint                terminfo/setup.hint
gdbm/setup.hint                         which/setup.hint
grep/setup.hint                         zlib/setup.hint

(I obviously could have gotten this from setup.ini, too)

So the question is: Does this list look right.  I'm not sure about
brltty and gdbm.  And I also wonder about ncurses, readline, and zlib.
While they probably do get used by default anyway, I wonder why they
have to be in Base.  Is there a broken dependency somewhere?  If not, it
seems like they would be loaded automatically by anything in Base which
needed them.


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