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Re: [ITP] gt5-1.3 -- A terminal program to show disk usage and navigate between directories

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 12:48:28AM +0200, Jari Aalto wrote:
> "Dr. Volker Zell" writes:
> >>>>>> Jari Aalto writes:
> > Jari it would be nice if the two steps (pkg/spkg) in your build
> > scripts behave like in other build scripts (g-b-s/Yaakov's
> > Gentoo-based package build script). They should produce binary and
> > source packages in the same directory in which the build script
> > itself is located.
> I saw two problems with it:


>     2) Parallel development of many packages is possible only if
>     all development is done within the "branch"
>         ROOT
>             package-a
>                     version-1.1/
>                     version-2.1/
>                     version-3.1/
>             package-b
>                     version-1.1/-!-
>                     version-2.1/
>                     version-3.1/
>     Suppose you're building in -!-, and the result [source].tar.gz and
>     [bin].tar.gz are put ../ above. The you move to version-2.1/ and
>     the results are again put ../ above.

But will not the results be versioned?


(But this does not refute your other arguments, of course)


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