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RE: [ITP] gt5-1.3 -- A terminal program to show disk usage and navigate between directories

On 20 February 2006 12:03, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

>>>>>> Dave Korn writes:

>     > dk@rainbow /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test> ./ -v install
>     > -- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.832

> It works fine for me.
> -- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.837

  Ok, how did you get it to do that?  I installed the latest version of
cygbuild but I still see the version number from the ./ script.

  However I think I was misunderstanding how cygbuild works.  IIUIC, "make
install" is only supposed to install to the .inst subdir after all.

  Um, now I'm really confused?  As far as I can tell, cygbuild-packaged source
packages can't be used for building and installing from source, only for
making binary and yet further source packages?  So if I want to build and
install this from source, I have to build the binary package, then install
that manually, yes?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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