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Re: [ITP] webcheck-1.9.5 -- Website link and structure checker

>>>>> Volker Zell writes:

>>>>> Jari Aalto writes:
    >> Jari Aalto <> writes:
    >>> Included in Debian
    >>> License:
    >>> GPL
    >>> sdesc: "Website link and structure checker"
    >>> ldesc: "Program crawls a given website and generates a number of reports in
    >>> the form of html pages. It is easy to use and generates simple, clear
    >>> and readable reports."
    >>> category: Web
    >>> requires: cygwin python
    >>> To download Method 1)
    >>> wget -nv        \
    >>> \
    >>> \
    >>> \
    >>> \

    > Your server seems to be down.

OK, I could finally download.

vzell@vzell-de /usr/src
11:23 AM [727]> ./ prep
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.836
-- Extracting /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5.tar.gz
-- cd /usr/src && patch  --strip=0  --forward  --fuzz=3  --set-utc   --quiet < webcheck-1.9.5-1-cygwin.patch
--   [NOTE] If patch fails, you may need rm -rf /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5
-- Running 'make clean' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
-- Running 'make distclean' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
-- Making Cygwin directories under /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5
-- Done.
vzell@vzell-de /usr/src
11:23 AM [728]> ./ conf
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.836
-- Configure command
--   Hm, no shadow yet. Running it for you now.
--   Running: make clean distclean (ignore errors; if any)
rm -f *[#~] *.\#* *.o *.exe core *.stackdump
make: Nothing to be done for `distclean'.
-- Wait, preparing compile. Shadowing source files to /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.build/build
-- Shadow finished.
--   No standard configre script found
-- Done.
vzell@vzell-de /usr/src
11:23 AM [729]> ./ make
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.836
-- Build command
--   Building with standard make(1) ./Makefile
echo "Nothing to compile"
Nothing to compile
-- Done.
vzell@vzell-de /usr/src
11:23 AM [730]> ./ install
-- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.836
-- Install command
--   Emptying /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst
--   Installing docs to /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/doc/webcheck-1.9.5 
--   Running install to /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst
--   Running 'make install' (or equiv.) in /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.build/build
/usr/bin/install -m 755 -d /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/man/man1
/usr/bin/install -m 644 *.1 /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/man/man1
/usr/bin/install -m 755 -d /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/webcheck
cp --copy-contents --dereference -r *.py fancytooltips parsers plugins schemes /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/webcheck
chmod -R 644 /usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/webcheck
chmod: `/usr/src/webcheck-1.9.5/.inst/usr/share/webcheck': Permission denied
make: *** [install-share] Error 1
./ [FATAL] status is 2.


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