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Re: RFC: [PATCH] Retry replacing in-use files in setup

Igor Peshansky wrote:
> Umm, now I'm confused.  There is nothing in the setup source that would
> explain this behavior.  Which version of setup are you using?  Which OS is
> this happening on?  We *are* talking about the "-r"/"--no-replaceonreboot"
> option, right?
As I hate rebooting unless strictly necessary I always use "-rNd", yes.
As of the version.. well, I got that behaviour from the very beginning,
when I was told of -r in the first place. I don't quote remember when,
but at least one year ago (searching this mailing list I could probably
find the exact day, tell me if you need it) and up to today.
I'm using WinXP x64 now, but it was just the same on the good old plain
WinXP I used until august.


BTW: do -N and -d /really/ need to warn me with a modal windows each
time? if I went to the extent to add them I guess I do know I do not
want those installed, quietly avoiding that would be the expected
behaviour... moreover in latest setup release those modal windows
sometimes appear /under/ the main windows and are closable only with a
combination of "alt-tab" and "enter", and must be killed altogether if
using setup thru VNC

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