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Re: [ITP] quilt-0.43 -- Tool to work with series of patches

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According to Jari Aalto on 2/8/2006 9:16 AM:
>>...and by locating the default quiltrc file under /etc/defaults
>>instead of stashed away in
>>/usr/share/doc/quilt-<VER>/examples/quilt.quiltrc and requiring all
>>that scripting to locate. 
> I need more information. The original quilt installs file to:
>   /etc/quilt.quiltrc [1]
> which would conflict with user settings during upgrades. So the file
> is relocated with (CYGBUILD/ to:
>   ./usr/share/doc/quilt-0.43/examples/quilt.quiltrc
> That file will be installed to [1] by postinstall, if user did not
> have [1] already. 

Correct concept, just a strange choice of template location compared to
other cygwin packages.

> I was under impression /etc is under user's control and scripts should
> not overwrite files there. Is the /etc/defaults/* is meant to be used
> differently? Like that you suggest using it for example files?

Yes, /etc/defaults is under cygwin package control for that very use.  For
example, coreutils now provides /etc/defaults/etc/DIR_COLORS, which used
to be provided by base-files.  By sticking the prefix /etc/defaults in
front of any user-editable template, it becomes easy to locate all
templates in a single hierarchy, regardless of which package installed
them.  This is easier than looking in /usr/share/doc/package/examples.

>>However, it seems like these scripts are probably provided from some
>>generic build system (cygbuild?) and so if it's easier to do it the
>>overly-complex way then go with that. Still, it seems a lot more

Have you ever considered proposing cygbuild as a cygwin package?

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Eric Blake   
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