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[ITP] mingw-libjpeg, mingw-libpng, mingw-openssl


I've created some packages for Cygwin under the mingw category. They are mingw versions of libjpeg, libpng, and openssl. The conventions I used are slightly different from cygwin standards but were neccessary to compile under the mingw system. The source includes two scripts, one to compile and another to package the binary bz2 file. I hope this would be accepted since I've put a lot of work into this. You can view the packages at (all setup.hint files are there too).
Please ignore the mingw-zlib package there, it's just a modified copy of the one already distributed at
These packages are some standard packages I need while programming with mingw and I don't intend on adding anything else at the moment.

One note about my packages is that only static libs are in the binary packages since that's the idea behind mingw.

Thanks for considering my packages, and thanks for cygwin in general - an essential tool for multi-platform developers.

Peter Quiring

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