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Re: [ITP] jikes -- IBM's Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications


On 2/6/2006 9:48 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
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According to Corinna Vinschen on 2/6/2006 4:17 AM:
Sorry to interject, but could I make a request that, like unison, this package be tied into a version. e.g. jikes1.14 distinct from jikes1.22?
That's an intersting objection. Any comments from others? Jari?

I don't think this is worthwhile. As the former jikes maintainer for several years, I personally know that 1.14 has bugs (some of them mine :) that were fixed in 1.22, and don't see what versioning a much older version of jikes will buy you. I am just fine with a single jikes package, although if Jari wants, you could package 1.14 as the Prev version simultaneously with 1.22 as the current version (note that there is no requirement to do this, though, since it IS harder to maintain two disparate versions of the same project).

Fair enough. I agree with that point. My packages won't conflict anyway, so I can keep them to myself. Debian dropped the version tie-in as well (woody had jikes1.14, sarge had just jikes).

I drop my objection, and thank all for their responses.


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