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Re: [maybe-ITP] gamin

Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> How about this; gamin_check_not_fat() can be an additional condition
> to the "wrong permissions" errors.
Seems to be the best solution to me.
If the disk is FAT there's not point being picky about permissions, as
the files of the user will be readable to every other user anyway, so if
the socket is readable is not a problem.
> (Believe it or not, my C programming isn't that strong.  So please
> check this over, although this was mostly borrowed from Corinna.)
Also my "mad C skills" are a bit weakened after years of Java and C++
OOP, but that code seems reasonable to me.
> And it looks like FreeBSD has yet to figure it out themselves either,
> so at least we have good company. :-)
Eh eh, yes; anyway Alex is a FreeBSD committer so if we find the issue
it will probably be solved at once on both platforms.


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