This is the mail archive of the cygwin-apps mailing list for the Cygwin project.
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Jörg Schaible
Brian Dessent
Buchbinder, Barry \(NIH/NIAID\) [E]
Carl Karsten
Charles Wilson
Chris January
Christopher Faylor
Corinna Vinschen
Dave Korn
Dr. Volker Zell
Eric Blake
Iain Alexander
Igor Peshansky
J.Chris Findlay
James R. Phillips
Jari Aalto
John Morrison
Jonathan C. Allen
Lapo Luchini
Max Bowsher
Peter A. Castro
Peter Ekberg
Peter Quiring
Shaddy Baddah
Volker Quetschke
Warren Young
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
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