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Please upload: doxygen-1.4.2_20050410-1 (n'th take)


Max Bowsher wrote:
No, still wrong. You didn't read what I said carefully enough.
You *need* to understand:
Filenames are expected to be EXACTLY:
I guess I never appreciated the subtle naming convention used for cygwin
packages. Honestly, my impression was that names go all over the map.
Fixed (I think).

+++ doxygen_1.4.2-20050410/doc/language.doc +++
doxygen_1.4.2-20050410/doc/translator_report.txt +++
These files are touched during a 'make install_docs'.
Excluded offending diffs from patch.

Same url (
-rw-r--r-- 1 32237 ross 2273644 Apr 19 11:58 doxygen-1.4.2_20050410-1-src.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 32237 ross 1999837 Apr 19 11:58 doxygen-1.4.2_20050410-1.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 32237 ross 183 Apr 19 11:58 md5.sum
-rw-r--r-- 1 32237 ross 353 Apr 19 11:58 setup.hint


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