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Re: Please upload: postgresql-8.0.0cvs-1 [test]

Hallo Gerrit,

Am Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2004 um 04:25 schriebst du:

> Hello Reini,

> getting this when I try to build:

> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/ftproot/pub/PostgreSQL/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.0cvs/.build/contrib/dbsize'
> make: *** earthdistance: No such file or directory.  Stop.
> make: Entering an unknown directorymake: Leaving an unknown directorymake: *** [all] Error 2
> make: Leaving directory
> `/ftproot/pub/PostgreSQL/postgresql/postgresql-8.0.0cvs/.build/contrib'

Getting another one (missing -lpgport here?):
dlltool --export-all  --output-def ltree.def ltree_io.o ltree_op.o lquery_op.o _ltree_op.o crc32.o ltxtquery_io.o ltxtquery_op.o ltree_gist.o _ltree_gist.o
dllwrap -o ltree.dll --dllname ltree.dll  --def ltree.def ltree_io.o ltree_op.o lquery_op.o _ltree_op.o crc32.o ltxtquery_io.o ltxtquery_op.o ltree_gist.o _ltree_gist.o ../../src/utils/dllinit.o -L../../src/port -L/usr/local/lib -L../../src/backend -lpostgres 
lquery_op.o(.text+0x485):lquery_op.c: undefined reference to `_pg_strncasecmp'
ltxtquery_op.o(.text+0x18c):ltxtquery_op.c: undefined reference to `_pg_strncasecmp'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dllwrap: gcc exited with status 1
make[1]: *** [libltree.a] Error 1


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