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Re: setup feature request (THREAD MOVING to CYGWIN-APPS)

Setup design discussion happens on
This thread is moving there.

Everybody, please remove from your replies.


Kris Thielemans <> wrote:

> I'd like to have an additional radio-button in setup called 'keep'
> (that's in addition to curr, exp, prev). Why? I often do NOT want to
> update a whole bunch of stuff, but just 1 particular package. (This
> happens most often when I'm working at home via a sloooow modem, but
> in other cases as well). At the moment, this involves a painful
> process of going through the whole list, clicking multiple times such
> that 'keep' is listed, except for that one precious package...
> Useful? (yes)

I agree.

> Will it be implemented? (I hope so, and the implementer can get a
> really nice email from me).

I volunteer. But I suggest we remove the prev radio button - it really
doesn't make any sense to replace a load of packages with previous versions,
when one could be a few days old, but others could be a year old - it all
depends on the release schedules of the seperate packages.


I'm not promising anything, but there's a slim chance I'll have a patch
ready in time for upcoming setup release at the weekend / early next week.


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