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Re: Setup - Idea...

> On Thu, 2002-01-24 at 22:35, Gareth Pearce wrote:
> > Hi ... I am going out on a limb here and assume that this feature hasnt
> > suggested before. (ummm yeah I know I should of checked the message
lists -
> > I am prepared to shoot myself if I am wrong :P)
> I'm not sure if it's been suggested, but I don't think its a good thing
> - IMO when a package is removed, setup should leave it installed, until
> the user requests that it be removed.
I agree - 'except' - where not removing it is almost certain to cause pain
and suffering.

I think I can see this being possible - but ummm maybe its really more an
extension of 'conflicts with' - and so when conflicts get added it can be
done then...
(like cygwin conflicts with regex - which it doesnt I am
hoping/guessing/havent seen any eveidence yet - but in a similar
circumstance prehaps it would)


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