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Re: GCC being built without optimisation

Michael, All,

On Wednesday 14 November 2012 Michael Hope wrote:
> scripts: set default CFLAGS to optimise.

OK, will push. Thank you! :-)

> On 14 November 2012 13:30, Yann E. MORIN <> wrote:
> > Also, I'd like to review your crosstool-NG fork, to see what we can bring
> > back upstream, so you get less to maintain in your tree, so it makes it
> > easier for you to follow upstream. That item's been basically sitting quite
> > high on my TODO-list, but time being sparse, I always post-poned it. I'll
> > try to get to it during this cycle.
> It's our fault for forking.  Most of the stuff is Linaro specific
> (samples, outer build scripts) and the remainder is hacks.

Well, at least we can try to see if there are things that can be shaped
for upstreaming.

(And no, forking is not a fault!)

> We're going to rebase as part of upstreaming the aarch64 support to
> you.

Ah-Ah! See, you've got things to upstream! :-)
I'm eager to see that!

> I was reluctant to post it as we needed to pick random binutils
> and other versions, but the recent Microblaze work has added all we
> need.

Great! Looks like the timing was good, then. :-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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