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Re: Cross compile native gcc for arm with crosstool-ng, have toolchain, which architecture deps, and which build, host, and target?

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Bryan Hundven <> wrote:
> You should be able to build this type of cross-compiler with crosstool-ng as
> well:
> build=i386, host=arm, target=arm

OK, thanks a lot. So it seems, I'm understanding it correctly.

Don't wanna sound daft, but:

so I'm now gonna go step by step and compile the deps with the above
and then gcc, linked to these deps, right?

The reason I wanted to make sure, is that was my impression, but I've
been getting linker errors and stuff. So wanted to be sure the process
is right. If it is, I'll go hunt the errors and make it work.

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